Guam Marriage Practices

Guam matrimony practices have a rich history. They were produced by matrilineal communities, and continue to be employed in faith-based traditions. Even though many people is not going to follow these customs, there are still several ways in which couples can marry within a culturally traditional way.

In pre-colonial times, the top of the clan would prepare a marriage for that young woman. These were designed to strengthen the clan’s location. At the time, ladies could not marry outside the group.

A young young lady may live at home till she’s prepared to get married. Occasionally, she’ll meet a boy privately, but other times she’ll see him in public. It is important the fact that the parents and guardians provide their credit, and there are legal restrictions in the amount of time a woman can spend with her potential partner before marital relationship.

In post-war Guam, women and men might just see one another in non-public. They might publish letters to one another, or they might match secretly for some moments. Whenever that they broke the tradition, these people were disowned.

During the Spanish Period and the US Naval Time, the kin leader fixed marriages with regards to paid members. These partnerships also served as a way to increase spouse and children influence in neighboring districts. They were significant because it gave a clan member a better position in the commune.

A pre-wedding party called fandanggo is scheduled before the marriage. The relationship with vietnamese woman fandanggo is often a get together, but could also include presentations of gifts for the bride and bridegroom. It’s a coming back the star of the wedding and her relatives to gather together.